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How to choose a fur coat


How to choose a fur coat
A luxurious fur coat is fashionable, beautiful and stylish. This is not the only point. The fact is that a fur coat demonstrates the status of a woman. In addition, nobody cancelled the psychological component. If a woman can afford a fur coat, then she is quite wealthy. Indeed, in the last century, only a select few women wore this royal attire, since the cost of this fur product was quite high. Nowadays, the range of fur products has expanded significantly. The choice is huge. Every woman can choose something to her liking. The price range of fur coats varies. What a variety of shades, styles, just the eye rejoices! However, even now, a custom-designed fur coat appreciated in certain circles. Naturally, in such a dress you can feel to consider yourself, if not an empress, then a princess, for sure!
When it comes to choosing a fur coat for a snowy winter, attractive models (from a personal point of view) will naturally be a priority. Nevertheless, of course, I also want the fur coat to be warm. So that the wear resistance does not let down. Here great importance attached to the hair (its features) and the skin (its quality).
It considered in terms of certain indicators:
1. Density
2. Silkiness
3. Shine
4. Softness
5. Height
The best indicators have a skin of I grade.
Density (density of skins)
It determined by how many hairs are there per cm. In practice, this is the most important sign. He determines the quality of the skin. Since the thicker it is, the higher the thermal conductivity and nose bone of the garment. It also influences the splendour and beauty of the skins. Even their value. However, the density in specific areas, at times, changes when the skin strongly stretched during the production process.
The density of the product depends on how stretched the skin is. If it too stretched, then the density becomes less. Based on this, the cost may decrease (sometimes even one third.)
Density determined by inflation. (The larger the area of ​​the "rosette" obtained in this process, the greater the density). If you see a base when inflating, then the skin has stretched a lot. There are savings here. In the future, this will have a negative impact on the durability of the fur coat (see fig).
Some people like it when the fur coat is more magnificent, the better. The specific features of the hairline will create the volume of the fur coat here. Moreover, the thicker the hair, the thicker the pubescence seems.
In splendour, Arctic foxes with foxes are in first place. Next are martens with sables. Medium puffiness in minks. He can boast of the same darters. Moles, gophers, and seals are not lush.
All animals have wax coatings on their hairs. Its composition gives the ability to reflect light rays. More beautiful, according to unwritten parameters, is a silky shine, which only expensive fur hats. (Such as that of a mink). Many fashionistas are delighted with how vitreous nutria shine. Some people like the matte shade.

Heat resistance
In those regions where the temperature drops to 30 degrees and below in winter, buyers simply need to keep the fur coat warm. In addition, since they have such cold weather every year, it means that the fur product must also have increased strength. After all, no one wants to change a fur coat every year. Many experts argue that the highest heat resistance fur is in those animals that live in more severe climates. After all, Mother Nature thinks out their attire. They have the longest and thickest fur. They are suitable for fur coats.

Some regions do not part with fur coats, almost all year round. And here the weight of a fur product is very important. After all, it is rather difficult for miniature women to carry such a burden on themselves every day. The heaviest fur is wolves and lynxes. Less severe in otter, beaver, sheep. The fur of nutria, mink, and rabbit weighs average. The fur of a gopher is practically weightless. Also a mole and a hare.
Wear is a very important indicator. Of course, each fur coat is in its own price range. Nevertheless, even on a product with a minimum price, you have to spend an amount equal to, sometimes, half of your salary. This means that you have to snatch funds from the budget. Therefore, the wear of the products is of paramount importance. It depends directly on how strong the hair is. In addition, how strong its bond with the skin is. If the hair of the fur is strong, then it will break down later than its less durable counterparts will. Hair thickness and shedding condition are of no small importance. They also pay attention to the ways of making fur. If all the work was carried out with non-compliance with the technology, then what can we talk about? The diet of animals plays a huge role. In addition, the conditions in which they will be obsessed. They also take into account the types of animals. Experts say that in the modern world, wear actually decreases several times. Since business, women wear their fur coats, as they say, "both in the feast and in the world." Indeed, in transport (even in a private car, but speaking of a public one) the fur of a fur coat deteriorates. Not to mention the environmental component. After all, emissions from factories fall on the fur coat from above. Nevertheless, they contain, practically, the entire periodic table.
Fur assortment
Consider the variety of animals that give us their fur. In addition, from whom to buy a fur coat is only your personal choice.
Products from them are on the top spot. Here, the quality did not disappoint, and the wear resistance is at a height. Moreover, there is nothing to say about beauty. Nobody can outshine this natural colour and shine! Very soft, shimmering in the sun furs just begging for hands! Therefore, how a mink coat sits on the figure! An incomparable sight! The palette of colours is quite wide here. A huge variety from dazzling white fur coats, which just ask to walk on the shoulders of brides to black American mink. (In addition, they generally belong to the products of the highest class).
Minks have a special down cover and protruding guard hairs. Thanks to this, mink considered “warm” fur. However, she has a very smooth and thin skin. Therefore, fur coats with a complex cut sewn from it. Due to the smooth, shiny and even pile, fur coats are very popular. After all, women look stylish and elegant in them.
On the other hand, the smoothness and fineness of the skins allows designers to work with it like a fabric and sew complex cuts. The pile is smooth, shiny and even makes mink models quite stylish and elegant.
Varieties of breeds:
She taken out in Russia. Has increased heat-shielding properties. Very good moisture permeability. Differs in the highest pile.
The most demanded in the fur market. More than 80% of the assortment of fur coats made from this breed.
North American
Bred in the USA. In addition, farms for her breeding are located in Canada. Has a short guard hair. Therefore, the pile is quite low. To the touch, it resembles velvet.
About 350 shades of unpainted minks.
Plucked or sheared mink is popular in the production of fur products. Products made from them are perfectly smooth with a delicate surface.
The level of wear resistance of mink fur coats is average. If you take proper care of the products, then the fur coat can last not one, not two, but much more (in the region of ten) seasons. In addition, this is with constant use.

Previously, it believed that a wolf coat was a male hypostasis. Yes, it is quite strong, durable and retains heat for a long time. Thanks to these indicators, wolf coats are included in the Top Leaders. Therefore, such coats are very widespread among polar explorers. A hat with mittens is still a constant attribute of such fur coats.
For production, they take the skin of a polar wolf in winter. Different seasons, types of wolves and their ages give variations in colours and shades. They range in colour from black to white. Moreover, what a variety here: silvery, red, brown, cream shades.
Fashion does not stand still and women have tried wolf fur coats. Designers emphasize colour shades with leather inserts or a belt. In such a fur coat, a woman looks courageous.
A natural beaver fur coat rarely seen on stalls. Although this fur has tremendous advantages. In addition, the fact is that it is impossible to breed beavers in captivity.
Beaver fur coats are quite popular in the North. After all, they are very heat resistant. Quite soft and fluffy to the touch. The uniqueness of such fur coats should note. They tolerate getting wet very well. Water makes the fur of a fur coat fluffier. In terms of strength and durability, they are on a par with mink coats. True, they are significantly inferior in lightness. However, the fact that these fur coats are warm is unambiguous!
Their fur is, of course, more affordable. Rabbit fur coats are very popular. Both children and youth wear them. Soft and fluffy to the touch, they are quite warm. True, the joy from them does not last long, only from one to two seasons.
Now a specially bred Rex breed has appeared on the market. She has a very durable fur with a uniform fluffy surface. Its distinctive feature is service for six seasons.
Outwardly, it is practically indistinguishable from a shorn beaver or chinchilla. This is what the merchant adventurers use.
The orilag-rabbit has a warmer fur than chinchillas (although outwardly they are similar). The fur is denser and the hair is thinner.
The fur is longhaired here. Its peculiarity is increased density, shine, elasticity. Moreover, he can play incomparably with all shades of his colour.
Wild foxes of bright red colour. There are some species with yellow-white strands. The variety of shades does not allow designers fully enjoy the manufacture of fur coats from this fur. The same shade practically not found in nature. Based on this, fur coats made from those foxes that grown on special fur farms. Here the colour is fairly uniform and predictable. Since the conditions of detention and food are the same. Even the skin of such a fox differs in size in a larger direction.
The variety of colours and shades allows designers to show all their creativity in the production of fur coats. There are silver foxes at the top of the pedestal (they have a tricolour pile). The Burgundy fox has wine-brown colours. Polar foxes are platinum-cooled. In addition, this is not the limit!
In terms of wear resistance, fur is in the middle of the rating. Nevertheless, the thermal protection is very high!
Arctic foxes
Here the fur is soft, delicate and fluffy. They often trimmed with collars and hoods. High thermal protection and wear resistance (9 - 12 seasons) made it a constant winter companion (especially in the North).
Fur is of 2 types:
1. White
In winter, it is white. In the summer (after shedding), it becomes greyish-brown in colour
2. These animals have a smoky grey skin.
To create a uniform colour, sometimes the fur dyed.
Very rare valuable fur. After all, they cannot bred in captivity. The wool is warm and resistant to wetting. After all, her mistress lives in the water. Wear and tear for twenty seasons can please any zealous mistress of such a fur coat. The most remarkable thing is that the fur coat does not lose its shine during this time. The fur is quite dense. It is also very warm. Such a fur coat has a thick structure. The range of colours varies from black to brown.
They prefer to make fur coats from sea otters. They have softer and fluffier fur. Plucked otters have less wear resistance. However, outwardly, the fur coat of them looks more elegant.

Wear resistance with heat protection is clearly not up to par. However, the colour scale of white (only a black spot on the tail) makes it possible to use this fur for special orders - royal receptions, wedding ceremonies. Ermine fur coats are the ultimate dreams of women of fashion all over the world!
They do not live in captivity. Abrasion resistance seven seasons. Hypoallergenic. The pile is long, soft and silky. Outwardly, it looks like sable fur. Therefore, fur coats made of them are very valuable.
Increased wear resistance. Beauty, softness and silkiness take the first place in the rating. The colour varied depending on the habitat. Dark-colour sable coats are more popular.
Heat-shielding properties and moisture resistance at altitude.
The fur is lightweight, practical. Even competes with the rabbit.
Fur is distinguished by increased wear resistance (fifteen 15 seasons) and unmatched heat-saving quality. Natural color from gray to black-brown, but designers try to tint. Since it is very light and plastic, it is popular in the production of fur coats.

Price range
The price, of course, determined by the style and cut of the fur coat. Initially, of course, the price made up of the cost of the fur.
1. The leaders here are sables with mink. Next to them on the pedestal of high prices are an otter with a silver fox. The chinchilla also joined them.
2. The groups of average prices for fur marten with arctic fox. A beaver joined them.
3. The most democratic fur coats of raccoons, hares, rabbits and moles.
There are 2 points here.
1. Where to wear?
2. The figure of the owner.
When choosing the length, take into account the availability of a personal chauffeur or car. If they are not there, then you should not waste money and sweep the streets with a fur coat. Slender tall women can wear a fur coat of any length. However, if you add more high-heeled boots and a belt to emphasize the waist ... Then equal you do not be! More comfortable is the length of the fur coat, in which it reaches the middle of the thighs.
Short fur coats are amazingly suitable for a petite girl. However, it not contraindicated for a slender model.
Ever since the young women got behind the wheel of a car, the fashion for fur coat styles called "auto lady" has come. Here is a 3/4 sleeve and a sheepskin coat, which is short. However, it is very comfortable in the car!
Regardless of what style and type of fur coat you choose, remember that you are always irresistible in it!